

Angular Pivot Table

The Essential Angular Piot Table component organizes and summarizes business data and displays the result in a cross-table format. A high volume of pivot data can be loaded without any performance degradation using the row and column virtualization. In this knowledge base, details about how to easily integrate Angular Pivot Table in the Angular 7 application and enable its commonly used features using services has been provided. The various features that are available in the Angular Pivot Table are databinding, sorting, filtering, exporting, aggregating, and grouping of pivot data with drill-down capability.

The following list is required to create an Angular Pivot Table in the Angular application:

  • Node.js (latest version)
  • Angular
  • Angular CLI
  • Sublime Text / WebStorm / Visual studio code etc. for editor.

Steps for Integration of Angular Pivot Table

Step 1: –  Need to install Javascript Pivot Table library in our Angular project by running “npm I pivottable” in terminal.

Step 2: – Add entries of .css and .js files in  angular.json file

        “styles”: [



“scripts”: [




Step 3: – We need to import pivot table in the component where we required it.

import ‘pivottable/dist/pivot.min.js’;

import ‘pivottable/dist/pivot.min.css’;

How to use functions in pivot table

Basically two functions we can use in pivot table provided by PivotTable.js.

1) Pivot() – Demo Example



    {color: “blue”, shape: “circle”},   

   {color: “red”, shape: “triangle”}   



rows: [“color”],      

cols: [“shape”] 



Appent table to $(“#output”)  it will show the table structure colors as row in table and shape as col of table.

Output:-angular Pivot Table

2)  Pivot() – Demo Example

For implementation of PivotUI() also we need to follow like above mentioned all 3 importing steps.


{color: “blue”, shape: “circle”},
{color: “red”, shape: “triangle”}


rows: [“color”],
cols: [“shape”]



Output:- angular Pivot table