

Backend Technology

Back-end development is the esoteric and are the whole and sole of any web or mobile app development. 

So as a business enterprise, thinking of digitizing your company without backend support is simply not possible. Back-end is a vast sea of technical coding and this is not for the faint-hearted.

There are in numerous server-side scripting languages effective in reaching the end goal. The server-side programming language you select depend on the preferences of your development team and the project requirements such as your database/operating system setup. Being aware of what each server-side scripting language can offer what is unique is deciding your backend technology, and whom to hire for these tasks.

Component Or We can say heart of Server Side(Backend Technology)

The back end is made up of three parts: the server, the database, APIs, and a back-end web application written using server-side languages.

* Server: It is a computer that runs back-end software built using server-side languages.

* Database: It stores and manages your application’s data

* API: It communicates between server and database.

For instance, if a user is updating a password on web application, the server-side scripts will collect the information the user enters, the application will process that information on the back-end server, then will interact with the database to update that information.

The backend web developers use server-side scripting language to develop back-end application and this language in turn communicates between user, server, and database. Anything that is explicitly written goes into the text mark-up of a website which is the front-end or back-end software.

When user request an Edit, delete and update (For Example, the fields in menus, photos, or user passwords) in database, they are delivered via server-side scripts that create a channel between server and a user. In the browser, front end scripts like JavaScript, Angular, react make that information available to the user.


They run on a server, embedded in the site’s code

*Runs on-call. When specific feature of site is “called up” or “posted back” to the server, server-side scripts are the one which send request to server, process and return requested data.

*Designed to interact with back-end permanent storage, like databases, and process information from the server to access the database like a direct line from user to database

*Provides the data transfers from server to browser, bringing pages to life in the browser, e.g., processing and then delivering a field that a user requests or submits in a form

*Powers the dynamic web application with functions such a user validation, saving and data retrieval, navigation between web pages

*Play an immense role on how a database is built from the initial setup and evolved upwards

*Build application programming interfaces (APIs) that can be used to control data and software with numerous apps.


* Server-side scripting processes are what the user can view through the server, to locate a particular book, chapter, page, or a particular sentence and sending back the required information back to browser in a smooth, fast and seamless way.

* This is possible because of the server-side programming languages and middle ware your back-end developer codes to create a customized path from site to database. Information for your site resides on the server until it’s requested, which makes your site both fast and secure.

Popularly Trending server-side languages Whiz Works on

1) PHP: The most popular server-side language on the web, PHP is designed to extract and edit information in the database. It’s encompasses databases written in the SQL language. PHP was designed strictly for the web and is the most widely used languages. Ease to install and deploy, is what it making competitive with in numerous modern frameworks, and is the foundation for a number of content-management systems. PHP-powered sites: WordPress, Wikipedia, Facebook

2) Python: Due to its flexibility of less lines of code, the Python programming language is fast, making its way into the market. The emphasis is on readability and simplicity, which makes it easy to learn for beginners. It’s one of the oldest scripting languages, powerful, and works well in object-oriented designs. Python-powered sites: YouTube, Google, The Washington Post

3) Java: A subset of the C language, Java comes with a huge base of add-on software components. At its core, Java is a variation of C++ with an easier learning curve additionally it is platform independent, thanks to the Java Virtual Machine. The motto “Compile once, run anywhere” augur well for enterprise-level applications, high-traffic sites, and Android apps. Java sites: Twitter, Verizon, AT&T, Sales-force


* Django: This Python framework was developed to implement a fast-paced development environment. Django sites: Pinterest, Nasa, Pitchfork

* Node.js: JavaScript is typically a front-end script, but with the Node.js framework, and can be used in server-side technology, from APIs to entire stacks. Its core unique selling point is handling client-server communication—its fast, doesn’t block, and is ideal for real-time apps like chat rooms, data-heavy applications, and any software that requires the streaming of fresh content, like a news feed. Node.js sites: Dow Jones, PayPal, LinkedIn

Whizian Back-end developers are involved in constructing the actual logic on which an application or a website works. Some of the key skills they should have include: an in-depth knowledge of the back-end programming language/framework, accessibility and security compliance, a basic understanding of front-end web technologies like HTML, CSS and the ability to manage a hosting environment. Backend developer worker work on development languages, Database & Cache, server, API (REST & SOAP) etc.