Everything that you see when you’re navigating around the Internet, from fonts and colours to dropdown menus and sliders, is a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript being controlled by your computer’s browser.
As we have seen All that we see, click and interact on a website is because of front end development. A site is loaded in a browser from the server in front-end development. A user sends request to the server. The server sends the response back to the user. This framework is known as client server framework. Client server frameworks use languages JavaScript, ReactJS and AngularJS. These frameworks have made interactive and mobile responsive websites possible for the users. Let’s have an insight to the Front-End Web Development.
The Client Server Framework
The client is the browser a user uses to view a website using mobile devices, laptops, or desktop computers. The server is stationed at a remote location, running the website’s back-end architecture processing. Conceptually client-side scripting is done by the web browser, and server-side scripting is done by the web server.
Client-side scripting is always evolving becoming simple, lively and more user-friendly. Client-side scripts run in the browser and processes requests without call-backs to the server.
Server-side scripting is the back-end web development and main function of it is to connect your website’s database to the browser and bring back a page to your screen providing a smooth user- experience. Server-side scripts process the data, and then update the website. For example, populating drop-down menus, loading products to a page, updating a user profile, and more.
Front-End Web Development
Your website comprises of a sum of layers – structure, data design, content and functionality. All that you click, interact, and customize on a website is because of front-end development. This user facing functionality is developed by front-end developer. The front-end developer uses a combination of client-side scripts and frameworks, mark-up languages, and designs an environment where a user can experience an aura of content, layout and interaction.
In short front-end development is a powerhouse where creativity and innovation collide. Front end developers need to be a bridge between the designer and the back-end programmer.
The front-end developer creates interaction and user experience with scripts embedded in a website’s HTML. Everything you as a visitor to your website sees, click, or uses to input or retrieve information is the work of the front-end developer. They are the ones who create client-side software that brings the site’s design to life. Scripts are downloaded by the browser, processed, and then run apart from the server. In front development the main focus of the front-end developer would be on user experience, and the technology they implement will determine how well it accomplishes that speed, efficiency, and smooth functionality.
Skill Sets for Front-End Development
The core technologies of front-end development are mix of HTML, CSS, and client-side scripts namely Javascript.
The core competencies in hiring a front-end developer, lies in his ability to have a broad view of how the front end of the site works and its design. Added crossover knowledge of SQL, Java, PHP, Ruby, Node.js would be of great advantage to your front-end developer.
The main services of front-end developer include:
•Customize user experience
•Bringing life to designer’s concept with HTML, CSS, and Javascript
•Production, modification, and maintenance of websites and web application user interfaces
•Tool creation enhancing how users see and interact with your site in browser
•Implementing responsive design for mobile sites
•Contributing some back-end experience, collaborating on APIs
•Consulting on best SEO practices
•Testing the site during development for usability and fixing any bugs
Front-End Languages
Since now you might have a brief overview of front-end technology. Let’s have a look at some of the most widely used scripting languages and front-end frameworks. The front-end languages are almost always used in the context of their frameworks, which make quick work of complicated code with libraries of pre-packaged, shareable code, and lots of add-ons. Your front-end developer may use one or a combination of these when during building the front end of your web site.
Front-End Frameworks
Front-End framework facilitates a rapid development with libraries of pre-packed, shareable code and software add-ons. Some of the popular Java script frameworks are listed below. Your front-end developer can use one or combination of these when building front end for a website.
•Angular JS – This framework and other JS frameworks like Backbone.js, power up the power of Javascript.
•jQuery – This is a fast, small, JS object library, it streamlines how JavaScript behaves across different browsers.
•Bootstrap – This leading mobile-first framework blends HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to influence rapid responsive app development. With Bootstrap, your web site will be compatible with all modern browsers and is screen responsive on any size screen, from tablets to phones to laptops.
Client-Side scripting Development
A path breaking that has changed the hard-and-fast rules for client side vs. server side is the AJAX technology. The old standard was that server-side processing and page post-backs were used when the browser needed to interact with things on the server, like databases. AJAX, with its asynchronous calls to the server, can pull the data instantly and efficiently, without requiring a post-back.
Another major boost is jQuery technology, a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library with an easy-to-use API that works across a multitude of browsers. Like code libraries do, jQuery changed the way that millions of people write JavaScript, simplifying a number of other client-side scripts like AJAX at the same time.
Technology is ever-changing and evolving, it’s crucial to know who to follow in order to get the best advice, tips, and news. We at WHIZ have a compiled a list of the top front-end developers to deliver excellence. At WHIZ, we have a team of multi-talented and top front-end developers having extensive knowledge and experience in field. Therefore, creating website for your business requirements at our place would be highly competitive and worthwhile.